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IT Services - TRSTECH

IT Services

Information Technology

Our technological (IT or technology) consultants are available to help you every step of the way. Our protocol includes setting up your phone, building or upgrading your PC, laying out a LAN network. Give us a call for the office and installing a wireless network to learn more about how TRS TECH can help your business.


We can configure your business computer to meet your specific needs.
We can also set up:
  • Internet access
  • Email routers
  • Networks
  • Troubleshoot any virus and deal with various spyware issues.


Are you looking to enhance your customer’s experience with an access to a wireless network for your diner or store? Or do you need a LAN set up for your employees to share files and printers? Give us a call and let us help you become a more efficient business.


Systems Maintenance is the most reliable servicing that you can provide for your computer. Once applied it maximizes system availability to meet operational requirements. This has to take into account the designed-in reliability and maintainability of the system and resources available. Maintenance planning is conducted to evolve and establish requirements and to accomplish goals.


We have fast become experts in security camera installations, enabling remote monitoring from your phone or any device that is connected to the internet. We can also integrate TRS Security into our On-Demand software packages to give a complete 360-degree view of your business:
  • Inventory
  • Accounts receivable
  • Employee logins
You can experience a bird's eye view of your business, all in real time. Let us know how we can help give you a competitive advantage to your business.
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